
Our Partner Hotels in Madinah

While choosing Hajj & Umrah packages, the intending Pilgrims must remember that not all the 5 star hotels in Madinah AL Munawarah have the same value. Besides hotel amenities & services, one of the most important Hotel’s feature that adds major value to its ranking, is its distance from the Masjid-e- Nabwi PBUH. The nearest the hotel is to the Masjid’s gate, the higher its value due to less walk time with consequently higher room rents, if compared to other low value other 5 Star hotels located at longer distance from the Masjid’s gate & require substantial walk & extra time to reach Masjid’s courtyard from such low cost hotels. A lot of groups who offer 5 Star Hotels packages in lower prices, either book such low value 5 Star hotels located at greater distance from the Masjid or otherwise their packages are designed in a way to utilize the same hotel in low & less costly season after Hajj. The most expensive High season of hotels in Madinah Munawara is from 1st – 6th ZillHaj, just before Hajj & staying in a high value 5 Star Hotel in these days exponentially increases the package cost. However, for the last 15 years, we always book the Best & most high value 5 star hotels facing Haram located at absolute 0 meter from Masjid’s Gate.

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